The Spell

by Kamelot

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 11:25 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author


Tabbed by

Sheep of Norway


1st → Guitar Right
2nd → Solo Guitar
3rd → Guitar Left
4th → Keyboard Right
5th → Keyboard Left
6th → Choir
7th → Vocals
8th → Drums
9th → Bass

File Size

60 KB




where has all the ma-gic gone lost be-hind or lost a-long vic-tims of the pulse of our so-ci-e-ty don't you miss the an-cient times ridd-le-s and the sub-tle signs rel-a-tive per-spec-tive on re-ali-ty I get strong-er in the splen-dor of a lu-cid moon on-ly crea-tures of the night all my de-mons cast a spell the souls of dusk ri-sing from the ash-es so the book of sha-dows tell the weak will al-ways o-bey the ma-ster head-ing for the drag-ons lair an-oth-er time, a diff'-rent sphere I leave the noth-ing-ness be-hind and when the sense of logic yields I'll es-cape the ou-ter shields in-to the u-ni-ver-sal mi-nd I get strong-er in the splen-dor of a lu-cid mo-o-on On-ly crea-tures of the night can heal my wounds all my de-mons cast a spell the souls of dusk ri-sing from the ash-es so the book of sha-dows tell the weak will al-ways o-bey the ma-ster all my de-mons cast a spell the souls of dusk ri-sing from the ash-es so the book of sha-dows tell the weak will al-ways o-bey the ma-ster


Tabbed by Sheep of Norway,